Történeti Gyűjtemény

Information - Literature Search - Resource Listing - Interlibrary Loans - Photocopying

The library provides assistance for research conducted in our target collecting areas, with also documents listed on a given subject for writing thesis papers or applications. On request by readers, literature searches are performed or bibliographies compiled.
Information on the individual documents is available through the librarians, the database or through the library website.

The Balaton Archives Press Database is also available at the library website. It contains archived press materials about the Balaton region from the beginnings of local printed press, in a digitized format, providing comprehensive access to researchers and interested readers. Our local information collection is under special protection, therefore these documents are not borrowable. The collection can be used on-site, in possession of a valid library card or daily card. Photocopying of individual documents is restricted. In line with copyright legislation, manuscripts, thesis papers, entire volumes are not photocopied. In the event of any photocopying, we shall act in accordance with prevailing rules pertaining to reproductions.

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